What We Owe to God.

Mostly, we owe everything to our Creator, but there seems to be a general human desire to elaborate on even the most obvious truths. Consequently, I am providing a pdf file justice.pdf for the amusement of anyone who might care. The file can be downloaded or read in place using something like Adobe Reader.

Old articles die hard

About 8 years ago, I wrote an article titled “Is Self-interest Sufficient to Organize a Free Economy?” and posted it on the Free Software Foundation website. In it, I argued that Adam Smith was not an individualist while I seem to have made Adam Smith the poster boy for the evil of modern liberalism (individualism) … [Read more…]

A Christian view of Einstein’s and Bohr’s debate on the meaning of reality

Years ago, I read about this famous debate in which Bohr spoke of objects coming into existence as quantum waves ‘collapsed’ because of an observation. Einstein refused to believe this could be and spoke as if he were defending common sense. Years ago, I also read “Critique of Scientific Reason” by the philosopher Kurt Hubner. … [Read more…]

Disciplined imagination

My second try on this post after computer problems. As I argued in “To See a World in a Grain of Sand”, speculative thought is necessary to create the worldviews, or lesser intellectual systems, which make sense of even revealed truths. Good speculative thought is also an imaginative, even spiritual, effort. And modern people are … [Read more…]