Bible-centered Meditations Upon the 2008-2009 Christian Liturgical Year

On my other blog, To See a World in a Grain of Sand, I’ll be trying to post a series of weekly entries throughout the 2008-2009 Christian liturgical year which begins on 2008/11/30. This is a major effort for me as my worldview aims at viewing Creation as unified, coherent, and complete. To a Christian, this means that a true understanding of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve and a true understanding of the Darwinian story of the evolution of the human race must be the same understanding. Similar statements can be made of the Biblical view of God who shaped this world from a chaos of pre-existing matter and a more modern view of God as the Creator of the universe of Einstein.

I’ll make no cowardly and half-hearted claims that “there is no conflict between Christian belief and modern science.” I’ll instead show that Christian belief and modern empirical knowledge are both parts of an ultimately unified, coherent, and complete knowledge of a Creation which has the same properties.

I’ve decided to structure these meditations according to the Christian liturgical year. The 2008-2009 liturgical year began on 2008/12/30.